The producers

Leave blank for all. Otherwise, the first selected term will be the default instead of "Any".
Pepper, Physalis, Eggplant, Lettuce, Green bean, Purple lettuce, Cauliflower, Tomato, Pointed cabbage, Zucchini, Purple cabbage, Cucumber, Savoy cabbage, Butternut squash, Broccoli, Beans
2640-232 Mafra
Pumpkin, Butternut squash, Dry garlic, Sweet potato, Potato, Onion, Chives, Pointed cabbage, Portuguese cabbage, Cauliflower, Peas, Beans, Corn, Green bean, White sweet potato, Beans, Purple cabbage, Zucchini, Cebola roxa
2560 São Pedro da Cadeira
Lime, White cabage, Cauliflower, Kiwi, "Padrón" small peppers, Blueberry, Lettuce, Leek, Potato, Eggplant, Beet, Coriander, Zucchini, Pointed cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Purple cabbage, Spinach , Green bean, Sprout, Strawberry, Turnip Greens, Turnip, Portuguese cabbage, Cucumber, Pepper, Rocket, Parsley, Tomato, Chayote, Purple lettuce
4570-311 Laúndos
Onion, Lettuce, Leek, Eggplant, Beet, Broccoli, Zucchini, Pointed cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Purple cabbage, Sabóia cabbage, Spinach , Sprout, Turnip Greens, Turnip, Portuguese cabbage, Cucumber, Pepper, Tomato, Green bean
4495-032 Aguçadoura
Spinach , Turnip, Pointed cabbage, Sprout, Green bean, Broccoli, Lettuce
4495-025 Aguçadouro
Beef heart tomato, Pointed cabbage, Carrot, Green bean, Lettuce, Leek, Potato, Tomato, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber
4495-045 Aguçadoura
Lettuce, Potato, Eggplant, Beet, Broccoli, Onion, Carrot, Pointed cabbage, Galega cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Purple cabbage, Sabóia cabbage, Spinach , Green bean, Sprout, Turnip Greens, Turnip, Portuguese cabbage
4410-063 Serzedo
Orange, Lettuce, Leek, Eggplant, Beet, Carrot, Zucchini, Spinach , Green bean, Turnip, Cucumber, Pepper, Tomato, Turnip Greens, Savoy cabbage, Pointed cabbage, Portuguese cabbage, Lemon, Turnip sprout, Sprout
3721-903 Oliveira de Azeméis
Lettuce, Leek, Eggplant, Beet, Carrot, Zucchini, Spinach , Green bean, Turnip, Cucumber, Pepper, Tomato, Turnip Greens, Portuguese cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Pointed cabbage
4500-449 Espinho
Pepper, Kiwi, Portuguese cabbage, Quince, Orange, cabage sprout, Snow Peas, Cauliflower, White cabage, Galega cabbage, Pointed cabbage, Chayote, Onion, Plum, Savoy cabbage, Lemon, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Turnip sprout, Lettuce, Persimmon, Turnip Greens, Green bean, Potato, Sprout, Turnip, Beans, Spinach , Leek, Zucchini, Beans, Purple cabbage, Grape, Kiwi Gold
4485-200 Vila do Conde
Rocha pear, Pear, Persimmon, Strawberry, Green bean, Cherry, Apple, Peach, Plum, Royal Gala apple, Apricot, Apricot
Lamego 5101-909
Lemon, Cantaloupe, Pumpkin, Savoy cabbage, Green bean, Sprout, Sweet potato, Potato, Cucumber, Pepper, Tomato, Carrot, Purple lettuce, Pointed cabbage, Portuguese cabbage, Spinach , Parsley, Beef heart tomato, Coriander, Turnip, Turnip Greens, Lettuce, Zucchini, Leek, Onion, Beet
4495-239 Póvoa do Varzim
Portuguese cabbage, Potato, Onion, Beans, Lettuce, Turnip Greens, Zucchini, Pointed cabbage, Tomato, Beef heart tomato, Eggplant, Butternut squash, Purple lettuce, Orange, Green bean, Turnip, Spinach , Sprout
4510-400 Gondomar
Pumpkin, Butternut squash, Pear, Rocha pear, Apple, Royal Gala apple, Pippin apple, Plum, Portuguese cabbage, Green bean, Tomato, Lawson pear, Sweet potato
2665-001 Livramento
Pumpkin, Persimmon, Turnip sprout, Sprout, cabage sprout, Aipo, Cucumber, Coriander, Pepper, Portuguese cabbage, Zucchini, Lettuce, Onion, Potato, Spinach , Turnip Greens, Tomato, Leek, Parsley, Carrot, Hortelã, Apple, Pointed cabbage, Galega cabbage, Green bean, Lemon, Purple cabbage, Hortos de Penca, Tangerine
4705 Póvoa do Varzim
Okra, Lettuce, Spinach , Sprout, Leek, Onion, Turnip, Melon, Green bean, Corn, Turnip Greens, Cantaloupe, Cucumber, Beans, Tomato, Zucchini
2670- 505 Loures
Leek, Plum, Presidente Plum, Okra, Onion, Pear, Coriander, Green bean, Royal Gala apple, Rocha pear, Sweet potato, Beans
2665-106 Gradil
Onion, Quince, Orange, Lemon, Kiwi, Leek, Pointed cabbage, Galega cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Broccoli, Green bean, Beans, Tangerine, Pear
4760-004 Vila Nova de Famalicão
Couve Pak Choi, Green bean, Tomato, Zucchini, Potato, Sweet potato, Pepper, "Padrón" small peppers, Cherry tomatoes, Beef heart tomato, Portuguese cabbage, Couve Branca Chinesa
4455-005 Matosinhos
Pumpkin, Onion, Beet, Cebola roxa, Carrot, Potato, Sweet potato, Broccoli, Coriander, Pointed cabbage, Galega cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Turnip Greens, Turnip, Portuguese cabbage, Lemon, Green bean, Zucchini, Cucumber
4570-256 Póvoa de Varzim
